What is artificial intelligence? Simply put, artificial intelligence (AI) is a computer or machine’s ability to perform tasks that imitate human intelligence. From Siri to cars that can parallel park themselves, AI seems to be progressing quickly. The big question is, are we losing sight of the importance and need for human interaction?
Human behavior expert, Colette Carlson, stated, “I see evidence of this level of technology leading to the increased need for soft skills — the capacity for creativity, empathy, compassion, and paying attention to others.” In her article, Will AI (Artificial Intelligence) Ever REALLY Replace Us?, Colette describes three examples where face-to-face interaction overpowers AI. Even in our technological -advancing society, we must re-discover the human soul and remember there will always be a need for human interaction.
To bring Colette to your upcoming meeting or event, please contact Michelle Joyce or visit www.MichelleJoyceSpeakers.com.