Content Marketing Expert, Jay Baer, is encouraging his followers to read Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProf’s 2018 B2C Content Marketing Benchmark and Trends Report. He found their data comparison between “most successful” and “least successful” content marketers most intriguing, and that inspired him to share, 7 Decisive Difference Between Strong and Weak Content Marketers . In his article, he shares seven areas where there are interesting gaps between what “most successful content marketers” think and what “least successful content marketers” think.
“Successful content marketers are more than 3X more likely to work in a company committed to content,” Jay Baer said. Focus on implementing a strategic content marketing plan that is valuable, relevant, and consistent.
Looking to take your company’s content marketing strategy to the next level? Bring Jay Baer to your 2018 event or meeting.