We prefer Melissa Agnes over French Hens any day! Melissa is a sought-after, international crisis management keynote speaker. Her powerful programs help today’s organizations understand the realities that loom when crisis strikes. Melissa’s customized presentations provide tools and strategies that create a proactive, crisis-ready corporate culture.
As part of our 12 Days of Christmas Project, we asked Melissa a few questions and here’s what she said…
What is your favorite childhood Christmas memory?
MELISSA: Being driven to my father’s house on Christmas Eve and looking outside and thinking “I can’t believe it’s here. Christmas is here!!!” I remember feeling so excited and as though I had waited a lifetime for that very moment!
What is your favorite Christmas food?
MELISSA: Baileys by the fireplace with Christmas music playing in the background. Not a food, but we only break out the Baileys in December, so to me, it has the essence of Christmas!
What is your favorite Christmas tradition?
MELISSA: Collecting a new village piece that represents an achieved goal from the past year. My husband and I started this tradition several years ago and now have a beautiful village that represents our most-memorable moments together.
What is your favorite Christmas song?
MELISSA: “Baby it’s Cold Outside” – the Dolly Parton and Rod Stewart version
Have you been naughty or nice this year?
MELISSA: If I had answered “naughty” than I wouldn’t be #crisisready, would I?!
What is on your Christmas list this year?
MELISSA: I don’t have a gift Christmas list for myself, but I have a huge one for others! Instead, for myself, I have a Christmas “to-do” list, which includes things like cut down my 12 -foot Christmas tree and decorate it; and learn some Christmas songs on the piano (currently a work in progress) so that I can fill my home with Christmas music (and annoy my family by forcing them to sing along)!
What is one way you give back during the holiday season?
MELISSA: Feed the homeless, spread good cheer.
What is your best piece of advice for our customers during the holiday season?
MELISSA: Take some down time. It can be hard, but it’s so important. And the crisis management strategist in me will add this advice: Make sure your team remains crisis-ready, as the holidays are the perfect inopportune time for a crisis to strike. This can be as simple as ensuring you have the right people’s contact information on hand while they’re away from the office, and ensuring that the right people are still monitoring the appropriate channels (internal and external) for quick identification of a potential or rising significant risk threat.
Michelle Joyce’s 12 [Business] Days of Christmas runs from December 5th through December 20th. Stay tuned for additional interviews from our speakers and team members! To learn more about each of our speakers and their programs, visit Michelle Joyce Speakers.