No one wants a negative situation to occur, but issues and crises can happen at any given moment. The big question is, is your organization prepared to instinctively and successfully overcome the challenges, obstacles, and realities that loom when crisis strikes?
Today’s Friday Featured Speaker, Melissa Agnes helps organizations around the globe become crisis ready. Building a crisis ready culture and invincible brand are two things Melissa is extremely passionate about. Crisis ready does not mean your organization has a team that has created a crisis management plan that is sitting somewhere on a shelf. Being crisis ready means every department within your organization has been thoroughly trained to make smart decisions in difficult circumstances while actively working together to build stakeholder trust.
Melissa’s customized presentations help organizations understand the realities that loom when crisis strikes and provide tools and strategies that create a proactive, cohesive, and crisis-ready corporate culture. The whole point of implementing a crisis ready corporate culture is to enable and empower your entire team to instinctively know the right course of action to take in a negative situation, whether it be an issue or potential crisis. Melissa’s program educate, provoke thought, and inspire action.
In her article, 3 Strategies for Overcoming the Internal Struggle of Crisis Ready Resistance, Melissa uses a comment that was posted on something she shared on social media as an example when explaining how to gain internal buy-in, from the right people, to implement a crisis ready culture and build an invincible brand.
Your team shouldn’t just handle a crisis or issue, they should conquer it instinctively, transforming any negative situation into something that has a positive outcome for your company. Doing so leads to more trust, credibility, and goodwill with those who matter most to your organization. Bring Melissa to your next meeting or event by contacting Michelle Joyce today!