Jay Baer is a plaid suit-wearing, Hall of Fame marketing and customer experience speaker, popular event emcee, New York Times best-selling author of six books, and trusted advisor to the world’s most iconic brands.
His on-stage delivery and customized programs teach audiences around the globe how to turn their customers into their most effective (and cost-effective) sales and marketing advantage.
Jay spent 20 years in digital marketing, and his current firm provides social media and marketing strategy to leading companies. An Internet pioneer and 7th-generation entrepreneur, he is the founder of five, multi-million dollar companies.
Jay’s programs teach how to build businesses by giving customers a differentiated experience they notice and talk about:
Talk Triggers: Turn Your Customers Into Volunteer Marketers
The best way to grow ANY business is for your customers to grow it for you. But that only occurs if you deliver a customer experience that creates conversations.
Word of mouth influences 50% of all purchases, but we too often take this for granted. We just assume that our customers will talk about us. But they won’t, unless you give them a story to tell.
Jay teaches you how.
Hug Your Haters: How to Embrace Complaints and Keep Your Customers
Haters aren’t your problem … ignoring them is.
If it feels like there are more complaints than ever, and that you’re spending more time and money dealing with negativity and backlash, you’re right. But the rise of customer complaints is actually an enormous opportunity.
In this program, Jay teaches the critical steps necessary to retain and delight now that customer service is a spectator sport.
Youtility: Why Helping Always Beats Selling
The key to breaking through customer cynicism and competitor messaging clutter isn’t shouting louder – it’s becoming truly, massively relevant.
If you sell something, you’ll make a customer today. But if you help someone, you’ll make a customer for life.
Jay shows how to make usefulness the central, winning philosophy for your business.
Jay’s objective is simple: make your marketing and customer experience the elements of your company that customers LOVE and talk about, not just tolerate. To bring him to your next event or to learn more about his programs, CLICK HERE!